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Deployed new DWDM line Lviv – Warsaw – Berlin – Frankfurt

Apr 10, 2012#Netzwerk
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Deployed new DWDM line Lviv – Warsaw – Berlin – Frankfurt

The RETN group has completed and deployed a new DWDM route Lviv – Warsaw – Berlin – Frankfurt with a length of 2084 km. The total length of RETN`s DWDM network has increased up to 21650 km.

The new route has been built using new generation (ILS2) Infinera DWDM equipment with 1.6 Tbps capacity. The route includes 23 sites with optical amplifiers and 4 sites with add/drop multiplexers. New IP PoPs started up in Frankfurt, Warsaw (Juniper MX960) and Berlin, Lviv (Juniper MX480) at the same time with the DWDM network installation. RETN`s engineers prepared all sites, configured and installed the DWDM and IP equipment and deployed the whole route within the period from March 11th till April 6th.

Ilya Nikishin, RETN`s project manager, says: “Launching the new DWDM route is really beneficial for us. RETN`s high-bandwidth backbone network spans new territories expanding its covering and making its services more available. The new route is part of RETN`s systematic growth aimed to satisfy the ISPs` constant demand for IP transit which makes the RETN group more and more important on the world data transport market and widens its client base.”

RETN`s commercial director Vladimir Taran points out: “The new DWDM route Lviv – Warsaw – Berlin – Frankfurt is a most important decision for the business strategy of RETN`s backbone network development and the increase of its redundancy. The new route not only protects the already existing DWDM route Lviv – Uzhhorod – Budapest – Vienna – Munich – Frankfurt, partly located in the Carpathians and ,therefore, nature-dependent, but also reduces the delay of RETN`s pan-European DWDM ring in its southern part. Moreover, that is a springboard for RETN`s network to reach Belorussia from the West and Kaliningrad region and the Baltic countries from the South-West.”


About RETN

RETN is a telecommunications provider offering international IP transit, Capacity and VPN services to large Corporates, Carriers and ISPs over its own pan-European cross-border optic network.

Since its establishment in 2002 the company has enjoyed a strong growth as a provider of IP transit, constantly upgrading the capacity and increasing the number of PoPs.

Now RETN has its optical network in 24 countries over Europe, Asia and America concentrating most of its backbones and PoPs in Russia and Europe. The homogeneous cross-border infrastructure of RETN`s pan-European DWDM and IP network has a considerable bandwidth on the four routes between Russia and the West with a current utilized capacity reaching 1.0 Tbps on each direction. The RETN network provides a considerable part of the international traffic exchange in Russia and some other countries of the Commonwealth.